Climate change activist protestor in the city

How Climate Change Will Affect the Economy

Climate change poses serious financial risks for businesses and communities worldwide, affecting every industry, region and nation. Climate change impacts include rising electricity costs, decreased agricultural productivity and decreased ecosystem stability. Climate action can reduce costs and open new business Know More

beautiful house corridor place scene vector illustration design

Is it Worth Having Triple Glazing in Glasgow?

Triple glazing in Glasgow can be an investment worth making for those looking to improve the energy efficiency of their home, helping reduce condensation, energy bills, and noise levels. Triple glazing boasts a higher U-value than double glazing, meaning that Know More

The Climate Change Impact On The World in 2023

Global near-surface temperatures have reached record highs, and with 98% certainty one of the next five years being one of the warmest ever on record. This increase can be attributed to greenhouse gases trapping heat in our atmosphere as well Know More

Ice caps melting in the arctic

How to Slow Down Global Warming

Humans are responsible for the release of various greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and nitrous oxide. These gases trap heat from the sun, making the planet hotter. To slow down global warming, Know More

factories with emissions coming out

How Does Climate Change Affect Your Health?

How does climate change affect your health? It affects some groups more than others. Exposure to climate change, your sensitivity to it and your adaptive capacity to avoid harm are factors that determine your vulnerability. For example, older people are Know More